





【中大「自家製」酒精搓手液】面對突如其來的疫情,中大上下皆嚴陣以待。為此,本身為化學系教授的中大副校長吳基培教授,率領化學系及大學安全事務處同事,特別製作逾200公升酒精搓手液。已製作完成的75%酒精搓手液,主要將會分發予需要留在學校的宿生,以及在此期間於校園執行必要服務的前線同事,共同抗疫。大學亦已聯絡與中大合作的慈善機構,贈送部分給相關的長者中心及院舍,為弱勢社群略盡綿力。校方更將會運用現有物資,盡量繼續製作酒精搓手液。? 不妨細看副校長吳基培教授,以及大學安全事務處處長李繼業先生的講解,一睹這些酒精搓手液的生產過程!#中大自家製 #酒精搓手液 #共同抗疫 #自家限量製作#請注意 #酒精成分或致皮膚敏感 #未必適合所有人士使用【CUHK "Homemade" Alcohol-Based Handrub】Faced with great concern over the disease outbreak, CUHK is prepared to meet the challenge. Prof. Dennis Ng, CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of the Department of Chemistry, has led colleagues including the Department of Chemistry and the University Safety Office, to prepare over 200 litres of 75% alcohol-based handrub, which will be distributed to students staying in hostels and to frontline staff providing essential services. The alcohol-based handrub will also be distributed, for free, to the charities that have partnered with CUHK. By giving to elderly centres and homes, we will do our best to help the under-privileged in a bid to combat the disease together. CUHK will continue to use existing resources to prepare more alcohol-based handrub.? Let's watch the interview with Prof. Dennis Ng and Mr. Ralph Lee, Director of University Safety about the production of the alcohol-based handrub!#CUHKHomemade #AlcoholBasedHandrub #CombatingTheDisease #LimitedStock#AlcoholAllergyDisclaimer #AlcoholMayCauseAllergy #MayNotSuitEveryone

Posted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 – CUHK on Friday, January 31, 2020

